The 2016 Fall Parade of Homes officially opens September 10 and runs through Sunday, Oct. 2. This year, the Manitoba Home Builders’ Association (MHBA) is proud to present 134 new homes on display for everyone to enjoy. Once again, we are proud to present the largest and best parade of homes in Canada.
Each show home has staff ready to share with you the unique and special features of that home. Ask about the builders, suppliers and materials during your visit. After all, MHBA new home builders pride themselves on building the best new homes in Canada. Each visitor is sure to come away with new ideas and concepts to incorporate into their new home.
This year, 38 different builders are featuring the finest new homes in 39 separate neighbourhoods. Single-family detached homes, townhouses and condominiums are on display. Whether you are interested in a bungalow or a two-storey home, it’s all here. In addition to Winnipeg, there will be show homes located in 10 other cities and towns, expanding and serving a larger audience. Quality, choice and affordability are all key components for each new home.
The Fall Parade of Homes has something for everyone. If you’re looking for that first, new home, this is your opportunity to see the widest variety at one time. If you’re considering selling your existing home for more space, less space, more yard, less yard, newer amenities and a different design, everything that you could possibly be looking for is featured at the Fall Parade of Homes. If you’re thinking of making some changes in your existing home, nowhere else will you see so many new and dynamic building styles and techniques as the Fall Parade of Homes. If you just want to see the best of the best and envision your dream home, this is the place to do it. Your new home dream starts with the Fall Parade of Homes.
If you missed the Parade magazine in your Winnipeg Free Press home delivery, it is available online at or You can also pick up a copy at any Steinbach Credit Union. Come early and come often to the Fall Parade of Homes.
By: Mike Moore for the Winnipeg Free Press Posted/Updated: September 10