
The Steinbach real estate market remains very healthy this year according to the Winnipeg Realtors’ Association. Up to the end of September, it reports 375 homes have been sold in Steinbach and area compared to 338 in the same period last year. Spokesperson Peter Squire says the average price is just under $270,000 compared to $263,000 last year. He notes the overall Manitoba market is on pace to set a record.

“We’re actually having our best sales year ever. And, if we can assume October gets off to a good start, in terms of this year, 2016, we are on expectation now that we could well set a new annual sales record for the entire market region.”

He notes in September alone in Steinbach, there were 35 home sales compared to 18 in the same month last year.

“You definitely had a better September than last year. Maybe last year was off a bit. But definitely, compared to last year, sales were strong in Steinbach this September.”

Squire notes listings are down a bit this year, but adds that is consistent with other areas of the province.


Category: Local NewsWritten by Daryl Braun

Source: http://www.steinbachonline.com/local/home-sales-staying-strong-in-steinbach-and-area