The 28/36 Rule

Have you heard of the 28/36 rule? This is a guideline used in personal finance to determine how much of your income should go toward housing and debt expenses. Here’s how it works: 28% for Housing Costs No more than 28% of your gross monthly income should be spent on housing costs, typically mortgage payments,…

Pay Off Debt Before Buying Your Dream Home

The Benefits of Paying Down Debt Before Buying a Home Becoming a homeowner is a significant milestone for many people. However, navigating the financial responsibilities that come with homeownership can be daunting, especially for those carrying existing debt. While it may be tempting to rush into purchasing a home, paying down debt before taking that…

Get a head start on your finances for 2024

Managing your finances does not need to be complicated! It just needs to be simple, consistent and effective. 1- If you’re finding that everything is expensive and you’re having a hard time prioritizing your spending every month, create a budget and a plan. 2- With current interest rates, paying down your debt needs to be a…

Overwhelmed by debt? I can help.

Did you know that the average Canadian has a mortgage debt of over $350,000? On top of that, many have other debts such as auto loans and lines of credit, which can add up to over $30,000 and $35,000 respectively. If you’re struggling to keep up with multiple payments and high-interest rates, debt consolidation might…

Do you like options?

One of the best reasons to work with a mortgage professional is that I work with a wide variety of lenders. Unlike your local bank branch, which can only offer you a mortgage (and mortgage rate) from their own suite of products, I have access to many different lenders. When we review finance options, you…