Managing debts with high interest can feel like an uphill battle. If you’re only making the minimum payments, it’s very difficult to get ahead. A simple example… If you have a balance on your credit cards, you could typically be paying 19.99% in interest. If you owed $5,000 on a high-interest credit card, the annual…
This blog post is for all the newlyweds! So many weddings this summer, therefore so many individuals starting their new life together! Here are a few things I want you to think of as you navigate this new journey together: 1) TO RENT OR OWN? If you’re currently renting, make a plan for how and…
An appraisal is the best way to estimate your property’s fair market value based on the location, condition and recent sales of similar homes in the surrounding area. Beyond an estimate of how much your property is worth, an appraisal also indicates the amount a lender will let you borrow for a property. An appraisal…